The eruption of the Fuego volcano was a volcanic event that occurred on the departmental border between Chimaltenango, Escuintla and Sacatepéquez in Guatemala on June 3, 2018. The eruption caused the death of more than 300 people and left several injured. The most affected places were the villages, hamlets and neighborhoods surrounding the Volcano, many of them belonging to the municipality of Escuintla, Alotenango and San Pedro Yepocapa, which were buried by the violent pyroclastic flows. Additionally, two thousand people were evacuated to temporary shelters. The eruption was classified as the largest of the Fuego volcano since the one that occurred in 1974.

More than 30 families were benefited with this program for the generation of autonomous employment in the area of Alotenango. A unique experience to share with more Guatemalans, be in solidarity and help more people to continue impacting is part of our mission.